
Internal design is so important in competition and attract of new customers. Paying special attention to customers and creating a good atmosphere in shops can contribute to sale increase and profit of any businesses.

In recent years, more attention has been pain attention to design in drugstores. Design in drugstores has some principles, which are different from other shops. In past, white color and some shelves of medicine were signs of a good drugstore, but in recent years, new forms of design have been appeared because of increase in different types of medicine, cosmetics and different forms of offering them to customers. In modern styles, different color combinations and new material are used.

Drugstores are run in two different ways: traditional and modern. In both of these styles, medicines are kept away from customers and only people in charge have access to them.

In modern drug stores, customers have access to some medicine and cosmetics so that they can choose what they want.

Creating pleasant, suitable and accessible spaces and having specific parts is the art of an experienced designer.

There are some obligatory standards in designing drugstores, including, creating a suitable space with good temperature for specific medicines, creating a suitable space for producing hand-made medicines and specific locations for receptionists and other people in charge.

Karadus Company is ready to offer its service for designing and re-building drugstores.
